Can't keep up on emails! I know the feeling. Don't worry! I will add the whole-class emails here once they have been sent.
Sent February 9 Just a reminder that tomorrow we are headed to McArthur Island Arena to go skating. We leave at 8:40am and will be back by 10:30am. Please have your child pack their skates, helmet, and a pair of gloves in a separate bag for ease of transport. They may want to wear their snow pants. Miss Barranco is back as well and will be joining us with our big buddies for skating.
Ask your child about some of the phonics rules they know! Cranky C says K, K, K! But the e, i, or y comes along and says, "Hey man, chill out!" and the C says, "ssssss". This works for G as well to say J.
Just a reminder that our class has been studying money throughout the year. While we will continue to do so, we would like to have a very special day where we buy a treat from our school canteen. I have sent home a notice about this. Your child has three options. They will circle their option on the notice that is coming home. Please understand that once you return this form, their option cannot be changed as the canteen staff is specifically making enough to cover our class and I will have preordered. Each option is $2.00. Please help your child count the change and send it in a baggy. The choices are a rice krispie treat, jello (I don't know the flavour, sorry), or a cookie. They will be able to learn to order and use the coins to buy their treat.
Here are some upcoming dates for February:
10th - Skating - adults and students need helmet and skates **** Wear gloves to protect your fingers please***
10th - Miss Barranco returns! She will be teaching under my supervision.
14th - Valentine's Day (I will send home a list of names. We create envelopes and students can "mail" their valentines in the morning)
Sent February 2 Ask your child about some of the phonics rules they know! Here is one for you: Shhhh! Sh is the digraph that makes the sound shhhhh, but so does si, ci, and ti! This can be found in words such as special, tradition, and supervision.
Our class has been studying money throughout the year. While we will continue to do so, we would like to have a very special day where we buy a treat from our school canteen. I will be sending home a notice about this. Your child has three options. They will circle their option on the notice that is coming home. Please understand that once you return this form, their option cannot be changed as the canteen staff is specifically making enough to cover our class and I will have preordered. Each option is $2.00. Please help your child count the change and send it in a baggy. The choices are a rice krispie treat, jello (I don't know the flavour, sorry), or a cookie. They will be able to learn to order and use the coins to buy their treat.
Here are some upcoming dates for February:
7th - Non-Instructional Day
10th - Skating - adults and students need helmet and skates **** Wear gloves to protect your fingers please***
10th - Miss Barranco returns! She will be teaching under my supervision.
14th - Valentine's Day (I will send home a list of names. We create envelopes and students can "mail" their valentines in the morning)
Sent January 26 This week, we will be going to the Big Little Science Centre for a workshop on states of matter and time in the hands on room. In math, we are finding "friendly numbers". This means that when adding multiple numbers, we can find those that create a friendly number, such as five and ten. We have begun researching an animal with our big buddies and are learning to find facts, sort information, and create a report. Ask your child about some of the phonics rules they know! Here is one for you: One two, double I do. One to three, no doubling for me! For example, if you were using the word "spin", you would start counting at the vowel until the end of the word. If you counted to two, then you double the consonant to add any ending that begins with a vowel - "spinning". If the word was "find", by counting at the vowel to the end, you would count to three and so you would not need to double the ending - "finding".
Here are some upcoming dates for January
30th - Big Little Science Centre
Here are some upcoming dates for February:
7th - Non-Instructional Day
10th - Skating - adults and students need helmet and skates
10th - Miss Barranco returns! She will be teaching under my supervision.
14th - Valentine's Day (I will send home a list of names. We create envelopes and students can "mail" their valentines in the morning)
17th - Family Day - no school
26th - Pink Shirt Day!
Just a reminder as schedules get busier, if you feel that you have missed something, please see the class website for reading activities, email records, and upcoming dates. If your child is away, I will always save any paper and pencil work we do in a file for them. It is your choice if they complete it or not. I will hold back anything that is a "must-do" task. I also load the website with phonics videos that students work on in class but can also do at home.
Sent January 19 This week, we will have a pep rally wear students get to meet up with their house teams and wear their house colour. In math, we are working on skip counting by twos, fives, tens, and using these increments from random starting points. In writing, we are now beginning to focus on editing and rereading our work to catch for mistakes. This helps us apply the phonics rules that we are studying in reading to our writing. Ask your child about some of the phonics rules they know! Here is one for you: K takes the i and e! C takes the other three! This means that when you are spelling a word with the /k/ sound followed by and i or e sound, we spell it with a k - such as kite, kiss, or key. When the /k/ sound is followed by an a, o, or u, it is spelled with a c - such as cat, cuddle, or cost. Here are some upcoming dates for January
22nd - Pep Rally - wear house colours
30th - Big Little Science Centre
Here are some upcoming dates for February:
7th - Non-Instructional Day
10th - Skating - need helmet and skates
14th - Valentine's Day
17th - Family Day - no school
26th - Pink Shirt Day!
Just a reminder as schedules get busier, if you feel that you have missed something, please see the class website for reading activities, email records, and upcoming dates. Have a great week! Sincerely, Mrs. Jenn Coates [email protected]
Sent January 10 A few things for this week. We are moving our library day to Monday just for this week. When things change in our routine, we say that "we are flexible, we are adaptable, and we can change our plan." This relates to our focus on self-regulation. This focus on self-regulation and executive functioning skills will continue.
We will have a new student join us on Thursday! We welcome them to our class. We are continuing our study of states of matter and the students will be focusing on changing the states of matter next week. We are planning on melting "icebergs" on Monday. Students will get to design their own experiment to see which ways melt icebergs quickly and which ways can help keep ice frozen. Thank you for sending back your skating permission slips. Please remember that students need skates and a helmet. If you would like to volunteer to come skating (and tie skates!) we would love to have you. You must have a criminal record check on file with the school and bring a helmet and skates (the helmet is required for all parents as well).
Upcoming dates for January:
6th - First day back to school
22nd - Pep Rally - wear house colours
Just a reminder as schedules get busier, if you feel that you have missed an email, you can find all emails recorded on the EMAILS tab on our class website. Have a great week! Sincerely, Mrs. Jenn Coates [email protected]
Sent January 5 Welcome to 2025! I am looking forward to getting back to a routine. We will be researching our school house animals with our big buddies (coyote, orca, wolf, raven, rattlesnakes, moose), learning about states of matter, and beginning a study of landforms later in January and into February. I wanted to take a moment to share our January focus of fostering self-regulation skills among our students. As educators, we recognize the importance of not only imparting academic knowledge but also equipping our students with the essential life skills they need to thrive in various aspects of their lives. Self-regulation, the ability to manage one's emotions, thoughts, and behaviours effectively, is a crucial skill that contributes significantly to academic success, personal development, and overall well-being. We are continuing our work with various strategies and activities in the classroom to explicitly teach and reinforce self-regulation skills. These may include mindfulness exercises, breathing techniques, goal-setting practices, and conflict resolution strategies, among others. By continuing to integrate these practices (MindUp program) into our daily routine, I hope to empower students with the tools they need to navigate challenges, regulate their emotions, and make informed decisions both inside and outside the classroom. The goal is not to eliminate struggle in our lives but to better manage the challenges that come our way. A great series of books (that also has videos of the author reading her books) is Ninja Life Hacks. Our Self-Regulation Checklist This list breaks down the self-regulation skills into manageable tasks that can be understood and monitored independently for some, and with support for others. These are life-long tasks and developing an awareness starts when we are young. Breathing:
Take three deep breaths when feeling upset or frustrated.
Remember to breathe slowly and steadily during challenging tasks.
Body Awareness:
Notice tension in your body.
Shake out or stretch your muscles if feeling tense.
Emotional Awareness:
Check-in with your feelings throughout the day.
Identify what emotion you are feeling and why.
Focus on one task at a time.
Keep distractions away when working.
Impulse Control:
Think before acting.
Ask yourself if your actions are safe and respectful.
Break down big problems into smaller parts.
Think of different ways to solve a problem.
Be open to changes in plans.
Remember that it's okay if things don't go as expected.
Use positive self-talk when facing challenges.
Remind yourself that mistakes are opportunities to learn.
Goal Setting:
Set achievable goals for yourself.
Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small.
Take a moment to reflect on your day.
Think about what went well and what you could improve.
Just a reminder as schedules get busier, if you feel that you have missed an email, you can find all emails recorded on the EMAILS tab on our class website. Have a great week! Sincerely, Mrs. Jenn Coates [email protected]
Sent December 14 This week is spirit week. That means that each day there is a theme. Please note that these days are OPTIONAL. You can choose to participate in any, all, or none. Monday - dress like a teacher Tuesday - dress like your favourite character Wednesday - holiday sweaters Thursday - festive attire Friday - PJ or comfy clothes
We will be doing some winter crafts and artwork this week but will be trying to keep a calm routine as well. This time of year, we often see excitement that can lead to some dysregulation.
Upcoming Dates for December:
13th - Report cards published online - contact the office with any difficulties accessing them
23rd- January 3- Winter Break - no school
Just a reminder as schedules get busier, if you feel that you have missed an email, you can find all emails recorded on the EMAILS tab on our class website. Have a great week! Sincerely, Mrs. Jenn Coates [email protected]
Sent December 10 Just a reminder that on Thursday, December 12 students need to wear their black outfits, with accents of blue, white, or silver to school. We have the 1pm concert that day and the 6 pm concert. Please no Santa hats or headpieces that stick up as it blocks the student behind them. The 1pm is open to those who wish to come but the 6pm concert requires the free tickets - please see the school wide email sent out. We will also have the rocking chairs that we made with our big buddies on display. The students will take them home the following day (Friday). -Mrs. Coates
Sent December 6 Thank you for your patience while I have been away. My recovery from surgery took longer than expected and my husband was in a work accident. It has been a challenging two weeks. I will return Tuesday and exchange any home reading then as well.
Choral Evening: Our choral concert will be on December 12 and we will be wearing black, with accents of blue, white, or silver. Please no Santa hats or headpieces that stick up as it blocks the student behind them. The 1pm is open to those who wish to come but the 6pm concert requires the free tickets - please see the school wide email sent out.
Upcoming Dates for December:
12th - Choral Concert - 1pm and 6pm
23rd- January 3- Winter Break - no school
Just a reminder as schedules get busier, if you feel that you have missed an email, you can find all emails recorded on the EMAILS tab on our class website. Have a great week! Sincerely, Mrs. Jenn Coates [email protected]
Sent November 24 Hello! Well, the snow is falling so I am reminding students of the wet conditions for tomorrow. Extra clothes and socks are great to pack as the slide is still tempting even when it is wet!
I am letting you know I will be away November 26- 29 as I am scheduled for minor sinus surgery. I will be back the following week. Mrs. Kular will be in and knows the routine. I will exchange any home reading on Monday.
Choral Evening: Our choral concert will be on December 12 and we will be wearing black, with accents of blue, white, or silver. Please no Santa hats or headpieces that stick up as it blocks the student behind them. We are accepting Christmas Amalgamated donations. I have added the donation item list if you are able to donate.
4th - Beauty and the Beast show at Sagebrush (you have already handed this form in)
12th - Choral Concert - 1pm and 6pm
23rd- January 3- Winter Break - no school
Just a reminder as schedules get busier, if you feel that you have missed an email, you can find all emails recorded on the EMAILS tab on our class website. Have a great week! Sincerely, Mrs. Jenn Coates [email protected]
Every year, Mrs. CJ and I spend a few big buddy classes creating wooden clothes pin rocking chairs. This is a highlight for the students and a great applied skills project. It requires 25 wooden clothes pins (must be wooden not plastic). If you can send 25 wooden clothes pins for your child for next Friday, we will begin our project. The project involves hot glue guns. You can find these usually at Walmart or dollar stores. The big buddies are responsible for the hot glueing but our class is allowed with supervision. They are NOT to touch without permission or supervision. We have adults to help but if you love building and crafting and want to join, please let me know. Our buddy time is Fridays from 1:30-2:20. No child will go without clothes pins. I have purchased a few for those who may not be able to supply these. We proudly display these treasures at our choral evening.
Sent November 18
Sent November 17 Choral Evening: our choral concert will be on December 12 and we will be wearing black, with accents of blue, white, or silver. Please no Santa hats or headpieces that stick up as it blocks the student behind them.
Thank you to all those who attended the Craft Fair or purchased our fundraising items ahead of time. We sold out of the pickled carrots! We have only a few apple sauces and key chains left. If you missed out and would like to purchase the apple sauce ($8) or a key chain ($8), let me know.
Language Arts: The English language is full of rules and exceptions for spelling (encoding) and sounding out words (decoding). Here is one we are studying right now that you can ask your child about: "K takes the I and E. C takes the other three!" If a "k" sound is followed by an i or e, it will be spelled with a k (kite, kitten, kettle). If it is followed by an a, o, or u, it will be spelled with a c (cat, catch, couple, cut).
Math: We focus our learning on hands-on engagement and reflection of thinking. This means that when we work through a math problem, we discuss multiple ways of solving the equation and use multiple tools to show the process. Tens frames, manipulatives, number lines, number patterns, cards and dominoes are just some of the tools we use to engage in mathematics.
Upcoming Dates for December:
2nd - Non-Instructional Day
4th - Beauty and the Beast show at Sagebrush (you have already handed this form in)
12th - Choral Concert - 1pm and 6pm
23rd- January 3- Winter Break - no school
Just a reminder as schedules get busier, if you feel that you have missed an email, you can find all emails recorded on the EMAILS tab on our class website. Have a great week! Sincerely, Mrs. Jenn Coates [email protected]
Sent November 10 The craft fair on November 16 is a huge fundraiser for our school and our classroom. We will be selling our pickled carrots, apple sauce, and beautiful beaded key chains. This craft fair has lots of local vendors as well!
Upcoming Dates for November:
11th - Statutory holiday
16th - KSA Craft fair - we are selling pickled carrots, apple sauce, and key chains.
Upcoming Dates for December:
2nd - Non-Instructional Day
4th - Beauty and the Beast show at Sagebrush
12th - Choral Concert - 1pm and 6pm
23rd- January 3- Winter Break - no school
Just a reminder as schedules get busier, if you feel that you have missed an email, you can find all emails recorded on the EMAILS tab on our class website. Have a great week! Sincerely, Mrs. Jenn Coates [email protected]
Sent November 3 A few things this week: Thursday is our Reading Detectives workshop. If you have registered, we will see you there! If you have not but you would like to come, there is still time. We encourage you to bring your child. We will be performing Oh Canada with sign language on Friday at our assembly. Please have your child dress in black.
The craft fair on November 16 is a huge fundraiser for our school and our classroom. We will be selling our pickled carrots, apple sauce, and beautiful beaded key chains. This craft fair has lots of local vendors as well!
Upcoming Dates for November:
7th - Reading Detectives Workshop
8th - School Remembrance Day assembly
11th - Statutory holiday
16th - KSA Craft fair - we are selling pickled carrots, apple sauce, and key chains.
Just a reminder as schedules get busier, if you feel that you have missed an email, you can find all emails recorded on the EMAIL tab on our class website. Have a great week! Sincerely, Mrs. Jenn Coates [email protected]
Sent October 27 Our canning day was a huge success and I want to thank our volunteers for helping. Mrs. CJ and I are very grateful. The proceeds from the carrots will go to support the Llama Sanctuary and the proceeds from the apples will go back into supporting our classrooms. We will also be making some key chains to sell at the craft fair Upcoming dates for October:
29th - The Wild Robot movie trip with Elementary students
31st - Halloween costumes - no clowns, no gore, no masks, no weapons
Upcoming Dates for November:
1st - School wide PJ day
7th - Reading Detectives Workshop
8th - School Remembrance Day assembly
11th - Statutory holiday
16th - KSA Craft fair
Just a reminder as schedules get busier, if you feel that you have missed an email, you can find all emails recorded on the EMAIL tab on our class website. Have a great week! Sincerely, Mrs. Jenn Coates [email protected]
Sent October 20 This is the last day for priority ordering for the Card Project. Final orders are due Nov. 11. Our students participated in the Card Project (thanks Ms. Richmond for being our contact and organizer for this!). We drew pictures and sent them to the company who helps us do a fundraiser every year. I have attached the instructions to view your child's work. This company allows you to order notebooks, bags, cards, and other products with your child's artwork on it. I order it every year for my own kids and am always happy with their products. Please see the attached newsletter to order.
Our parent/teacher/student interviews this year will be on October 22 from 2:40-3:30 in the form of an open house in our classroom. You can pop in anytime within that hour to view your child's work and speak with me. If you would like a private interview on another date, please email me. It is very important that I meet with everyone at some point so please let me know your preference. I encourage children to come and show their parents their work. There is NO early closure for Elementary students this year as directed by the district.
We are beginning our study of eagles right now. This helps us learn about migration, local animals, and life cycles. We are so fortunate to watch the eagles follow the river and salmon right now. Upcoming dates for October:
21st-24th - Scholastic Book Fair at our library at lunch and after school (see the schedule sent home)
22nd - Parent Teacher Student Open House 2:40-3:30
24th - Photo Retakes and canning day! Thanks volunteers!
24th - Halloween Dance PAC
25th - Non-Instructional Day
29th - The Wild Robot movie trip with Elementary students
31st - Halloween costumes - no clowns, no gore, no masks, no weapons
Sent October 14 Our students participated in the Card Project (thanks Ms. Richmond for being our contact and organizer for this!). We drew pictures and sent them to the company who helps us do a fundraiser every year. I have attached the instructions to view your child's work. This company allows you to order notebooks, bags, cards, and other products with your child's artwork on it. I order it every year for my own kids and am always happy with their products. Please see the attached newsletter to order.
Our parent/teacher/student interviews this year will be on October 22 from 2:40-3:30 in the form of an open house in our classroom. You can pop in anytime within that hour to view your child's work and speak with me. If you would like a private interview on another date, please email me. It is very important that I meet with everyone at some point so please let me know your preference. I encourage children to come and show their parents their work. There is NO early closure for Elementary students this year as directed by the district. Upcoming dates for October:
15th - comfy clothes/PJ day
16th - House colours day PEP RALLY
17th - Retro Day (which can mean different things to everyone, so dust off your 80s gear, pull out the hairspray, get those bangs up high, etc.)
18th - KSA colours/ clothing day
21st-24th - Scholastic Book Fair at our library at lunch and after school (see the schedule coming home)
22nd - Parent Teacher Student Open House 2:40-3:30
24th - Photo Retakes and canning day! Thanks volunteers!
24th - Halloween Dance PAC
25th - Non-Instructional Day
29th - The Wild Robot movie trip with Elementary students
31st - Halloween costumes - no clowns, no gore, no masks, no weapons
Sent October 8 Every year, Mrs. CJ and I work with our classes to do canning. This year, we are at it again. Mrs. CJ is a canning expert! We pickle carrots and make apple sauce. We sell them at the craft fair. This year, the proceeds from our carrots are going toward the Llama Sanctuary in Tappen. Mrs. CJ and I fell in love with this place last year and will be taking our classes to visit them again this year. They rescue llamas, alpacas, and cats and rely on donations to care for their animals. The proceeds from the apples and hot chocolate bags we make go back into the classroom! On October 24, from 8:30-11:30, we are looking for parents to come help with canning. The kids participate in all of this with their big buddy. They also make the labels for the jars too. If you are interested in helping, please email me and we would love to have you. Please remember if you are up for volunteering in anyway this year, just fill out the criminal record check found here: Sincerely, Jenn Coates
Sent October 8 Our parent/teacher/student interviews this year will be on October 22 from 2:40-3:30 in the form of an open house in our classroom. You can pop in anytime within that hour to view your child's work and speak with me. If you would like a private interview, please email me. It is very important that I meet with everyone at some point so please let me know your preference. I encourage children to come and show their parents their work. There is NO early closure for Elementary students this year as directed by the district. Secondary students still have early closures so please note the different dates. Sincerely, Jenn Coates
Sent October 6 We are learning all about Autumn! Did you know that in the Autumn months, leaves stop the photosynthesis process? The chlorophyll breaks down and the green colour disappears. Because of this, the yellow to orange colours become visible.
Mondays: Please bring back home reading packages to be switched. Tuesdays: Library day! Gym and Art as well. Wednesdays: Gym and Music. Polly the poodle (and Dana) come to visit. Thursdays: Drama Fridays: Gym, Choir, and Dance Upcoming dates for October:
14th - Thanksgiving - no school
15th - comfy clothes/PJ day
16th - House colours day PEP RALLY
17th - Retro Day (which can mean different things to everyone, so dust off your 80s gear, pull out the hairspray, get those bangs up high, etc.)
Sent September 29 This week, we begin our arts rotations. This means that students will visit four teachers during these sessions: Miss Norman (Drama), Ms. Richmond (Visual Arts), Mrs. Woods (Music and Choir), and Mrs. Coates (Dance).
This week, we will also be starting our home reading program. Each student will come home with a package that may contain books or activities. Please erase the whiteboard activities before returning. I send these packages home on Mondays (or Tuesday of a long weekend) and the students keep them for the week and return them the following Monday. If your child completes it before then and wants to return it early, they are absolutely welcome to do so. Please write me notes the first few weeks and let me know how it is going. It may take me a few tries to get their level just right. Your feedback is important.
I will also be sending home a September Snapshot. These is a quick note to tell you a few things that I have observed about your child. Please return the bottom of the front page to let me know you have read and received this form.
Upcoming dates for September:
September 30 - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (no school)
Sent September 23 Starting in October, we will begin our rotations in dance, art, drama, music, and choir. This means that students will visit four teachers during these sessions: Miss Norman (Drama), Ms. Richmond (Visual Arts), Mrs. Woods (Music and Choir), and Mrs. Coates (Dance). What is Arts Integration? Arts integration is an approach to teaching and learning in which students construct and demonstrate their understanding through various art forms. This method engages students in a creative process that connects art—such as music, dance, drama, or visual arts—with other subject areas. It enhances students' grasp of content and aligns with evolving objectives in both the arts and core subjects, fostering a deeper and more meaningful learning experience. When we learn through the arts, we "see it, say it, hear it, and do it," allowing for a deeper understanding. Students will integrate their learning themes through these art forms both in class and during rotations. Our current theme is Autumn, where we will explore why leaves change color, how cooler temperatures affect living organisms, and experiment with color mixing. Additionally, we are focusing on goal setting across the curriculum. Our school-wide yearly theme is "Bridging the Arts," which will be reflected throughout the grades and the school this year. Our goal is to connect the arts, community, and themes in our learning to deepen understanding.
Sent September 23 Thank you to all of our parent volunteers who are coming to our Firefit competition on Thursday. We appreciate your time. If you are looking to volunteer at all in some way this year, please remember you must have a criminal record check on file with the school. Find it here:
Hello and welcome to another week! We are doing our Terry Fox Run this week, September 19th, on the field. Please help your child dress appropriately for this event. We will be running a few laps around our track.
If you have not returned the Firefit competition permission slip, I will be sending a second one home to you this week. I will be emailing our parent volunteers shortly. Upcoming Dates:
19th - Terry Fox Run!
23rd - Non-Instructional Day
25th - Orange Shirt Day (this has been moved since we are now going to the Firefit competition)
26th - Firefit field trip
27th - Photo Day - send in the photo forms to school
30th - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation - no school
Sent September 10 Hello! I am just letting you know that I have sent a field trip form home. We are going to go to the FireFit Championships. We are currently working on perseverance and the growth mindset. This embodies it perfectly! While the event is free, we are taking a bus so the $4 covers the cost of the bus. Most of our Elementary grades are going and we are lucky that our big buddies are joining us! I will need 4 parent volunteers that day. You can just meet us there or follow the bus in your vehicle. Here is a link to the event: Thank you so much for using the communication books and home folders! It’s not necessary to write in them every day, but I’ll be checking them daily and kindly ask that you take a quick look for any updates. My door is always open for you to visit and chat about the class. Mondays are a bit busy with staff meetings, but I’ll do my best to find time for you during the rest of the week. Please feel free to come to me with any questions or concerns, and I’m always eager to hear about any happy stories or progress you’ve noticed. Lastly, I’ve observed some toys coming to school lately. To avoid any distractions, please remind your child not to bring toys from home. We have plenty of play and sensory items available at school that should meet their needs. Thank you for your understanding and support! -Jenn Coates [email protected]
Sent September 8 Hello grade one and two families. This is our weekly update email. I will usually send you a weekly update on Sundays letting you know about some upcoming dates and things happening in our class. If you have not sent me back the white paper attached to the first newsletter I sent, you can find it on our class website as the first email. This is a very important paper for me as it helps me understand your child better and allows me to know the pick up routine.
If you have not checked out our classroom website yet, you will find that it has copies of whole class emails that I have sent, a calendar, reading items we are working on in class, and other class information. Each week I post reading videos. These will be addressed in class, but are also useful if your child is away and you would like them to work on something. If your child misses any paper and pencil work, I will keep it for them in a folder and send it home for you to see (as we are an arts-integrated school, some of the work that is missed is hands-on learning and cannot be sent home). It is your choice whether they complete it or not. Thank you to all those who have donated Kleenex boxes, wipes, and spoons! You have no idea how helpful this is!
I do my very best to get to know the learning and social emotional needs of each child. This may take me a little bit to genuinely understand them. I welcome all open communication so please feel free to email me or pop in after school (just not Mondays as I have staff meetings). The more we talk, the more we can be a unified team for your child.
Upcoming Dates for September (if you feel I am missing a date, please let me know):
23rd - Non-Instructional Day
26th - Orange Shirt Day
27th - Photo Day
30th - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
PHOTO DAY – September 27th.Prior to photo day, an order form will be sent home with students listing package selection and prices for pre-payment. You can place your order at the time of your child’s photo.Retakes will take place on October 24th. You can also place your order online 1 day after photo day. Online costs are 10% more than payment at the camera due to software charges. Retakes will operate the same as the original photo day. If you’re not satisfied with your original photo package, have your child bring it in on retake day, we’ll take a new photo and send you a new package at no charge, we do not say no to retakes. You can place your order:
by having the student hand in their order form on Photo Day as their photo is taken. Pre-paid orders on site are 10% less than online ordering due to software costs.
or on Retake Day.
you can mail in your order at anytime after Photo Day or Retake Day.
and now you can place your order online!
Go to our website and go to the Online Ordering tab. Find your school by Original photo day or Retake Day. When asked for a password to access the student’s image, just type in their student ID number and you’ll be able to view their photo and place an order. Photos will be uploaded within 1-2 days of photo day. Photo packages delivered 2 weeks after photo day or order placement.